Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My First Post

Well folks, it's getting to be right about that time. I'm leaving for the boot in under a week. So, of course, I'm all in a scramble to get my gear in check. One of the main things that I've wanted to do is start a travel blog, so here I am.
After watching "Julie and Julia," I realized that blogs are really only useful/successful when they can be about something; Julie set out to cook through Julia Child's cookbook and catalog everything. Well, I don't have the budget to do similarly, nor would I want to. So, I'm looking to do more of a Cultural Conquest. That's what I'm going to call it.

Cultural Conquest.

That being said, don't even worry about paying attention until the 19th of January! I'm still in the United States. I can't believe it. I'm not sure on this issue, but it would appear that the Florence site is the last to leave vacation! Torture! Congrats to students at other sites, you win!

Until the 19th and the first leg of my Cultural Conquest!

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