Monday, January 25, 2010

Le Prime Classi

Beh, andiamo!

Today is the first day of class, and here I am sitting in the cafe in Villa Ulivi, burning away the hours between noon and 15:00. It's great to be back in a schedule! So, I went around the gardens in the back of Villa La Pietra today. Che bellissimi giardini! Wow! They're unbelievable. Statues of biblical figures (interspersed with pagan gods/goddesses) are placed around creeping vines and ionian pillars and columns. Then, at the forefront, is a beautiful view of the city, with rolling hills and olive trees extending outward.

There's been talk of organizing a "Prom-style" dance at the end of the semester. If we could have it in the gardens, it would be unbelievable. There's another word that I'm always using: unbelievable. Well, at least it's better than something like "humdrum" or "boring." It's all very very exciting.

Who knows? Time might fly and before you know it, it'll be il ventisei giugno! Let's make the most of this!

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