Thursday, January 28, 2010

Classes in General

So, I just returned from having my last class of the week. So now I've had every class at least once.

My Italian class is pretty good. I'm not really used to having a class every day of the week, so it's a bit of a bummer to do work for it every night. Hahhaa, I wouldn't have been able to believe that a couple of years ago! But yeah, it's fine. It's a perfectly fine way to start the day. I always end up arriving to campus a little early, so I make sure to utilize the great cafe with cappuccino! Oh my. I'm down to two a day, and that's pretty good. At .70, they're hard to beat, and the ones that you can get out a machine in Villa Natalia are half the price for a respectable moccacino. Wow, listen to me, I sound like an old salt! Or something... maybe I don't know how to use that reference?

Italian Cinema is great. My professor reminds me of Stockard Channing, who was my first childhood crush as Rizzo in Grease the movie. She's great! She was also Walter Murch's assistant for some time. Her experience was very impressive, and she also seems to know her way around a classroom which is great. We got to watch the film "L'Ultimo Bacio" in class, which means "The Last Kiss." Zach Braff starred in an American remake of it, but --honestly-- this is the only one you'll ever need to see. It was so good. And ROMANTIC! Wow, firey at times. Very European. I'm going to the Odeon movie theatre with that class at some point to see some movie as it comes out. So that's cool.

The Etruscans is a class that I'm particularly excited for. I'm pretty much going to be learning Ancient Italian History/Archaeology from a brilliant sounding guy who's been working in the field for DECADES. Unbelievable. We are going on two class trips. One to Rome to see the Palatine and Capitoline Hills, the Forum, etc, and then we're doing an overnight trip where we're touring around to no less than five cities and going to archaeological sites there. On top of that, there's the opportunity to accompany the professor on a dig over the summer in... Lucca? Chianti? Whatever it is, I'm going to see if I can tag along for a week before my Commedia experience begins!

Renaissance Apprenticeship sounds INTENSE. It's a lot of drawing and painting, which is great because I was confused as to the nature of the class. Pretty much, it's a studio art class where I can only use materials that were around in the Renaissance. I was semi-under the impression that I would be only creating these media and maybe throwing together little scribbles on paper with them, but NO! It's a lot of drawing and painting. For example, the one trip that we are taking is to the Vatican City. We're getting there in the morning and drawing for five hours nonstop. We're copying art mostly, but I'm definitely still intrigued as to the process. It isn't anyone that we're copying, I'm talking Raffaele, Michelangelo, and Giotto. It's going to be crazy.

And that's it... those are all my classes. Save for the Italian, they only meet once a week... three hours at a time. So, that's new! More next time AND PICTURES!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Le Prime Classi

Beh, andiamo!

Today is the first day of class, and here I am sitting in the cafe in Villa Ulivi, burning away the hours between noon and 15:00. It's great to be back in a schedule! So, I went around the gardens in the back of Villa La Pietra today. Che bellissimi giardini! Wow! They're unbelievable. Statues of biblical figures (interspersed with pagan gods/goddesses) are placed around creeping vines and ionian pillars and columns. Then, at the forefront, is a beautiful view of the city, with rolling hills and olive trees extending outward.

There's been talk of organizing a "Prom-style" dance at the end of the semester. If we could have it in the gardens, it would be unbelievable. There's another word that I'm always using: unbelievable. Well, at least it's better than something like "humdrum" or "boring." It's all very very exciting.

Who knows? Time might fly and before you know it, it'll be il ventisei giugno! Let's make the most of this!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Americano vs Italo-Americano vs Italiano

Been getting more and more into the city as of late. Orientation is winding down and classes begin soon, so I'm taking the time to really get to know the place and the people. Here are some things that came to mind.

Over the past couple of days a couple of people have approached me asking for directions. Of course I didn't know what to say, but I thought it was pretty funny considering I've only just arrived. I am getting good at ASKING for directions, but I obviously couldn't provide any help. But those moments really boost my confidence.

However, there's one place where I can --without fail-- get the wind knocked out of me. That is the STANDA supermercato. The supermercato is cheap, but the cashiers really just don't seem to like me. I don't know what it is. I'm going to try and go other places, hahahhaa, because the convenience isn't worth the hassle at the checkout line. Everywhere else people are helpful and will let you mess up the language as you learn. Ehh, I'm not even THAT bad. They talk so fast!

Oh well. Chicken, pasta arrabiata, bread, and red wine ought to cheer me up!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Landing Day!!

Yep. Just got here!

It's currently 14:19 (military time!) and I'm basically completely unpacked. Pictures of the place will follow, as I'm sure you've guessed. Living here is going to take some getting used to, that's for sure. At the same time, I feel like I've been here for a while.

I'll write more when I'm rested.


The sky here is intense! It's not THAT warm outside, but the sun beating down gives everything the appearance of a harsh summer's day. Crazy stuff.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My First Post

Well folks, it's getting to be right about that time. I'm leaving for the boot in under a week. So, of course, I'm all in a scramble to get my gear in check. One of the main things that I've wanted to do is start a travel blog, so here I am.
After watching "Julie and Julia," I realized that blogs are really only useful/successful when they can be about something; Julie set out to cook through Julia Child's cookbook and catalog everything. Well, I don't have the budget to do similarly, nor would I want to. So, I'm looking to do more of a Cultural Conquest. That's what I'm going to call it.

Cultural Conquest.

That being said, don't even worry about paying attention until the 19th of January! I'm still in the United States. I can't believe it. I'm not sure on this issue, but it would appear that the Florence site is the last to leave vacation! Torture! Congrats to students at other sites, you win!

Until the 19th and the first leg of my Cultural Conquest!